READDI-MEDIC → Infectious Disease Management

Communicable Disease & Outbreak Management in Remote Settings (INFECT01)

This course is based on Respond Global's unique experience in planning for, and responding to communicable disease outbreaks in remote and/or complex environments.

The goal of the course is to equip nurses and paramedics working in remote locations and communities to:
(1) better recognise communicable disease outbreak threats and potential threats;
(2) take early actions (within 72 hours) to respond to outbreaks and potential outbreaks, and help mitigate any negative effects, and;
(3) take actions to facilitate the longer-term management of the disease outbreak threat.

Furthermore, the course will give managers an understanding of the initial phase of an outbreak response and to inform subsequent response management.

This course is discounted for Respond Global workforce. Email for a coupon code if you are part of the workforce.
  • Welcome!
  • Content
  • Post-course survey
  • Conclusion
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Content"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 3 years